This weekend, I decided play in UIUCTF, an online event organized by the SIGPwny security group at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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Hack the Box Writeup: Access
Intro For this post, I’ll try my hand at a writeup for a recently-retried box on Hack the Box: a machine named Access. This is my first time trying this, so sorry if the format isn’t great. Also my notes might be lacking at times. I had to go back...
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Bug Writeup: FBCTF IDOR
Introduction This is a writeup for a bug I found a few months ago in Facebook’s Capture the Flag Platform (FBCTF). It was a fixed a while ago, so I’ll describe the bug and how I found it. I discovered this bug when participating in Facebook’s 2018 CTF and Bug...
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Quick intro
I’ve been meaning to have a blog for my security-related rambling for a while, but I never actually got around to it. So that’s basically what this is. I’ll probably mostly do stuff like Hack the Box writeups, but I may also just talk about various security issues, or do...
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